Monday, April 17, 2006

Red Music Industry vs. Blue Music Industry

"정보통신 인프라 때문에 CD 한 장을 만들면 10만명이 나눠 갖는다. 그래서 음반업체 절반 이상이 도산하고, 음반시장이 반으로 줄었다. 지적재산권을 보호할 수 있도록 음악과 같은 창조적인 작품을 보호하지 않으면 안된다"
- 박진영(JYP 대표), 2003년 8월 청와대에서 열린 차세대 성장동력 보고회에서 -

"Shutting down music file-sharing is like closing a library. A piece of art is not a loaf of bread. When someone steals a loaf of bread from the store, that's it. The loaf of bread is gone. When someone downloads a piece of music, it's only data until the listerner puts that music back together with their own ears, their mind, their subjective experience. How they perceive your work changes your work. Treating your audience like thieves is absurd. Anyone who chooses to listen to our music is a collaborator."
- Jeff Tweedy, singer of the group Wilco

I've recently learned about this group Wilco who releases music online for free to its fans and this reminded me of what Mr. Park said couple of years ago.


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