Sunday, August 06, 2006

Screen "Quarter," Yeah Right!

A new Korean sci-fi movie called "The Monster" is sweeping screens in multiplex theaters thesedays and expected to break a record for the highest gross revenue. Is the movie that great? Not everybody thinks so. In the midst of never-ending demonstrations to defend screen "quarter" (spelled based on how people pronounce the word "quota" here in Korea, which I don't understand why), it's interesting to see how the movie (which was made by those people who are 1000% for the screen "quarter" with the following logic: without screen "quarter" Korean media industry will fall into a danger of lacking cultural diveristy) is shown something like on 9 screens in a 15-screen movie theater. An intersting article (Korean) on Chosun Daily says, so where is the diversity under current screen "quarter?"

p.s. I think people should not only demonstrate to defend screen "quarter" but also to correct the pronunciation of the word "quota."


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